It is usually obvious that a pool fence needs to be of a certain height (1200mm). However, it is less widely known that pool fences must also meet electrical guidelines. It is a requirement under AS3000:2018 that Equipotential Bonding (earth bonding) is required to pool fencing when the pool fence is within arm’s reach (1.250m) of the pool edge. This applies to any conductive component, including your stainless steel spigots.
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2 minutes
Posted on:
August 7, 2023

Does the pool fence need to be earthed?
It is usually obvious that a pool fence needs to be of a certain height (1200mm). However, it is less widely known that pool fences must also meet electrical guidelines. It is a requirement under AS3000:2018 that Equipotential Bonding (earth bonding) is required to pool fencing when the pool fence is within arm’s reach (1.250m) of the pool edge. This applies to any conductive component, including your stainless steel spigots.
Let's break this down to find out what is required and a solution to combat the problem of earthing spigots.
The spigots used to mount the glass pool fence are made from stainless steel, which is a conductive material. These components can become electrically charged from an electrical fault from pool equipment and natural occurrences like lightning.
A common solution requires the installation of an earth wire (underground) between each spigot to an earthing point to be completed by a qualified electrician. The drawback to this solution is the cost of hiring an electrician to earth the spigots, along with access to the earthing point (if not planned for early in construction).
To meet AS3000:2018’s requirement and save the cost of an electrician to earth the spigots, Glazed Co. offers non-conductive spigots.
These non-conductive spigots use thermoplastic insulated sleeves on all spigots to ensure full compliance of AS3000 (Earthing and Equipotential Bonding).
Another viable option to be compliant and avoid the need of getting an Electrician involved is by glazing to a recessed concrete channel. The recessed channel is a sleek and secure fixing option, and as there is no conductive material used in this fixing method, it is exempt from any AS3000 regulations. Please keep in mind that this fixing option requires some forward planning and a channel must be formed into the concrete foundation when pouring your concrete, and glass fencing is to be installed PRIOR to tiling (unlike the spigot fixed option)
See our Leichhardt Residence project to view an example of our non-conductive spigots and Longueville residence project for our recessed channel fixed option.
Explore the possibilities with Glazed Co. today. Please get in touch with us to discuss your project with our team.